How To Bliss-Fuck Your Beloved Forever Without the Interruption of the Orgasm Nuisance.

Richmond Lovven
7 min readJun 21, 2021

Every self-actualized male knows orgasm or sperm production is not the reason the human mind needs sexual intercourse. And every female knows that no vagina is required to produce semen. You can produce all the semen you want by masturbating. But if sexual fulfillment is what you long for, and not the orgasm devil, you would never be sexually fulfilled no matter how many times a day you masturbate. That is another way to tell you to free yourself from the orgasm devil if you are serious about deep happiness sexual healing.

It is your mind which needs sexual healing not your genital. Sexual healing or mind-wholeness via genital tango is a zero agitation, zero banging, zero excitement, and zero passion event. In other words, no agitation, no excitement, no banging, and no passion. Simply press your penis, hard or soft, all nine yards of it into her vagina and lock it in. Visualize if you could or may, your mind’s radiation-radiowaves flowing into her vagina via your penis and vice versa. While keeping your penis glued as close as possible to her sacrum, use the head to draw circles round and round inside her. Practice and master doing just that, and you would grow your bliss with her ecstasy forever without bursting semen all over the place.

Option number two — Oscillate/vibrate your penis inside her vagina by breathing deeply into and out of her via your penis while at the same time keeping your penis glued as close as possible to her sacrum. Master that and you would grow her ecstasy with your bliss for as long as you both can manage without interruption of the orgasm blaster.

Option number three — without thrusting your penis in and out and breath in and out deeply in synch with her, as to cause the thrust of your synched breath to collide in her vagina. The fourth and the easiest option is to use your penis to make super slow movements up and down the wall of the vagina without thrusting in and out for as long as possible. Master your preference of all four approaches and everything we assert below about bliss-fucking would seem logical to you.

You must note however, that the success of all four options rests solidly upon two unbreakable facts. Precisely as the umbilical cord connects child to mother, and stream sustenance from mother to child, every living thing is connected to the life spark radiation ocean our Sun produces. Two species of separate but dual feminine masculine life spark radiation rivers are streamed via the solar plexus into everyone’s digestive tract, heart, and head 24/7 to produce the mind’s consciousness calling radio-waves.

The existence of the life spark radiation with radio-waves is precisely why it is seemingly pleasurable to fiddle the penis and vagina. By fiddling the penis or vagina, or by intercourse the life spark radiation with radio-wave is channeled into the radiation spool beneath the sacrum the ancients called the kundalini. Therefore, all that is required to fulfill the need of sexual intercourse for the complementary radiation/radio-wave to fuse. In other words, all that is required for sexual fulfillment to happen is simply to let complementary radiation-radiowaves rave in the vagina.

An instance of sexual fulfilment would be activated feminine Idealist/Connector (Pisces) radiation-radiowaves fused with activated masculine Realist/Builder (Taurus) radiation-radiowaves. Aside from the fact that thrusting in and out of the vagina is entirely un-necessary for fusion to happen, thrusting in and out interrupts genital fusion same way electricity supply is interrupted by intermittently plugging and un-plugging an appliance from electricity source.

Ladies, and gentlemen serious about fulfilling the human mind’s need of sexual intercourse must also have compatible goals and be equally yoked culturally, or spiritually. In fact, fused gender radiation-radiowaves, cooked by the heat of equal cultural/spiritual yokeness, is the filling up, the fuck, the fuse, or the rave, which activates the mind’s full power to produce the miracles listed below.

Bliss-Fuck Miracle Number One

Meet all the conditions we outed above and the first fact of sexual fulfillment you would experience is that you can go on for as long as you can manage and be completely fulfilled without the orgasm blaster. In fact, to your surprise, you would discover that orgasm is entirely male’s event of semen production, which have absolutely nothing to do with fulfilment. Orgasm precisely describes the swell of semen in the scrotum just before it is infused by sex life molecules the male brain shoots down the spine.

Semen is produced at the scrotum from life the spark radiation currents genital tango or masturbation caused to gather inside the scrotum. To animate and drive the semen out of the scrotum, the male brain shoots sex life molecules into them. The process of shooting sex life molecules down the spine into the scrotum intensely excites the nerves to require intense cooling by sex poison. Thus, orgasm’s shooting/inflammation process is bound with its cooling process. We say the head of the orgasm rocket carries the sex life molecules, whereas the booster carries the sex life poison.

What then does female experience if not orgasm? Convulsion, convulsion, and more convulsion caused by male’s un-complementary life spark radiation the female kundalini cannot process, but whose dam broke to flood the female brain. The radiation rage would inflame the nerves of female’s entire radio-correspondence array if her brain did not instantly spit sex poison down the spine to arrest the radiation rage. Therefore, the poison of sex life molecules is the common denominator between convulsion’s excitement of the female body and orgasm’s excitement of the male body. In both instances the brain dispenses sex poison (coolant) to return the radio-correspondence array of the female and male body to equilibrium.

Unfortunately, the physical sensation of the coolant is not only what many females with males confuse for sexual fulfilment, but also crave. Unfortunate, because in the absence of enlightenment, folks are doomed to darkness practices, which produce darkness results, which are then mistaken for light. The cooling effect of coolant the female brain dispenses, is a light event plied to arrest convulsion a darkness event. Sadly, this radiation violence against the female brain and mind, we celebrate worldwide as female orgasm, but which is not. But it gets even worse.

Male’s radiation violence in the female’s brain is the dump of his genetic material bearing his demons and devils, which condenses to become cells the female’s brain processes to form her body’s cells. The ultimate result of that I will let you figure out yourself. Bliss-fuck, on the contrary, causes the entire female being including her physical body to vibrate in ecstasy, hours, if not days or months on end. In other words, the female body vibrates, NOT convulse, when her mind is bliss-fucked by her soulmate or twin flame. The difference between vibration and convulsion you shall see in miracle number two.

Bliss-Fuck Miracle Number Two

The second miracle you will experience via bliss-fucking is heightened creativity or productivity as soon as you arise or awaken from the sleep of ecstasy. Heightened creativity or productivity is the most obvious and immediate evidence of sexual fulfillment the partners experience the moment they come out of the ecstasy sleep. Heightened creativity or productivity is the result of synergy or mind-wholeness, which bliss-fuck produces. Mind-wholeness powered by greater radiation volume is what causes especially the female body, to vibrate as evidence that her creative correspondence calling power is evolved. Convulsion, on the contrary is evidence that female’s creative correspondence calling power is devolved, which manifests eventually as unhappiness.

Bliss-Fuck Miracle Number Three

The number three bliss-fuck miracle you will experience, is a most powerful one, which not only demonstrates that it is indeed the mind, which is empowered and healed via sexual intercourse but also the fact and power of mind over matter. Everywhere genital fusion fuses matching mindpowers, that is matching conceptions, desires, longings, needs, plans, wants, and wishes, the lovers will experience the mind’s voodoo power. Fusion of the radiations-radio waves of matching mindpowers intensifies the mind’s power or capacity to actualize the lovers’ conceptions, desires, longings, needs, plans, wants, and wishes. This greater power of actualization, which the vagina imparts to the female mind, occurs every time the vagina is given to host the mind’s evolution via sexual intercourse. Via the vagina, bliss-fuck turns the human mind into the body’s conjurer or mandala of miracles.

Bliss-Fuck Miracle Number Four

Bliss-fuck miracle number four is a life-long miracle, which is already well-known here and there, in the form of mental or mind effects, which not only manifest immediately but also over the entire lifetime. Soul-body radiance, glowing eyes, and skin: mirth and lifetime physical vigor; bounce and elasticity are the physical effect of a mind evolved and healed by bliss-fuck. In other words, I am telling you that bliss-fuck is the elixir, which keeps you always fresh, radiant, and robust while you spend yourself and your life span, instead of bleak, rigid, stale, and spent. I go even further, and dare say that combined with the right organic/bio-dynamic green foods, the right physical and mental exercise, bliss-fuck, drawn out for as long as possible, will cause cancerous cells to dissolve like butter melting in the sun.

Well, well, well! Did we tell you anything new here? We doubt it. The best of the ancient peoples knew well all the miracles of sexual intercourse listed above. In fact, the gift of tantra is precisely this gift of fusing complementary activated gender consciousness potentials to produce activated sex potentials plied to liberate complementary un-activated gender consciousness potentials trapped at the kundalini. Indeed, tant-Ra was the cognition at work, of the vagina’s power and function, engaged by complementary Ra-diation fusion. After four thousand years in the grave, vagina lovemaking is back.

Be aware that you are dying slowly, murdering yourself softly, and murdering her or him softly, if you are sleeping with someone by whom you do not experience these four vagina miracles.

Essay was written for Saddool. Saddool apps connects people to happy sex and more…



Richmond Lovven

Co-creating actual and conceptual facilities to invoke the full expression of the consciousness of every living creature.